Roundtable Discussion between CDiSS and SCSPI


A roundtable discussion on “Geopolitical perspectives of the South China Sea” between the Centre for Defence and International Security Studies(CDiSS) and delegation of South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative(SCSPI) headed by Director Hu Bo, was held at National Defence University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the afternoon of Jan 9, 2020. 

CDiSS Director Prof. B.A. Hamzah delivering his welcoming speech

SCSPI Director Hu Bo elaborating Chinese geopolitical perspectives of the South China Sea

CDiSS Director Prof. B.A. Hamzah attended the meeting and delivered a welcoming speech. Also joined by CDiSS Deputy Director Adam Leong Kok Wey, Prof. Ruhanas Harun, Institute of Strategic and International Studies(IISS) Senior Fellow Bunn Nagara, military officials and students, the discourse gathered a total of 40 participants.

Experts and scholars from Malaysia and China


With a view to maintaining and promoting the peace, stability and prosperity of the South China Sea, we launched the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI). The Initiative aims to integrate intellectual resources and open source information worldwide and keep track of important actions and major policy changes of key stakeholders and other parties involved. It will provide professional data services and analysis reports to parties concerned, helping them keep competition under control, and seek partnerships.