Anbo Shazhou(Amboyna Cay)


Anbo Shazhou(Amboyna Cay/An Bang Island), which lies in the middle-south of Nanwei Island(Spratly Island) of Nansha Islands(the Spratly Islands), was invaded by South Vietnam in 1974 After the reunification of Vietnam in 1975, It has been a Vietnamese-occupied island up to today. It is long in shape, about 160m in length, 140m in width, and lies from the south to north.

By 2014, 10 buildings of various kinds had been built, including facilities such as a watchtower, a wharf and a beach disturbance, etc.

In 2016, a helipad was built in the south of the Anbo Shazhou(Amboyna Cay/An Bang Island).